What? We offer naturally grown vegetables and berries thru shares in our CSA, for sale at our Farm Stand, and through the Western Maine Market. You can also find our produce at times at the Better Living Center and other stores in downtown Farmington.. Although not “certified”, most of our food is naturally grown without petroleum based fertilizers, or synthetic pesticides. We often have U-pick Strawberries and sometimes other produce. We offer good pricing on supplemental vegetables if our members were interested in canning or freezing.
CSA members receive a weekly newsletter with updates about the farm, the current weekly offering, and helpful tips on cooking and preserving. We offer weekly farm fresh eggs, but are at the mercy of the ladies laying the eggs! We do, however, take orders, without restriction, for the purchase of Freedom Ranger meat birds which are offered once each season.
Why? We enjoy fresh, healthy food ourselves and want to share with others. We enjoy getting to know our customers, and hope you want to “know your farmer”.
We believe in locally grown food, and in the concept of Community Supported Agriculture. By joining a CSA, members play an active role in supporting a local farm, and assume some of the risk which is inherent in agriculture – ie. Crop failure because of weather, pests, etc.

Our Animals
Our Red Star layers provide Farm Fresh Eggs for our CSA members who choose to buy eggs, most doing so on a regular basis. They layers are cage free, and in summer love to forage out-of-doors. The are not fed antibiotics.
In summer we raise Freedom Ranger meat birds for sale to our CSA members and others. They are humanely raised, cage free, and freely forage out-of-doors.